Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 When will tracklaying to Broadway start ?
Probably Spring/Summer 04 when P.Way have finished winter maintenance and track replacement work. Grading of the trackbed will start before track is laid
Q2 How long is the Broadway Extension ?
Approx 4.5 miles, although the first 0.25 miles to the Viaduct were completed in 2002.
Q3 How long until the track will reach Broadway ?
Almost impossible to estimate. Depending on volunteer resources and income up to about 2 miles a year could be laid. More time is required to get the track
to passenger carrying standards.
Q4 Are there any buildings and platforms at Broadway ?
No, except for the goods shed. All buildings, platforms and a car park will need to be reconstructed.
Q5 How far north of Broadway does the Railway own trackbed ?
Only as far as the first bridge beyond the station site.
Q6 Is there potential for a mainline connection ?
Theoretically three ! Cheltenham Lansdown Road via the town centre (or in Railtrack's plans north of Swindon Village), Honeybourne, and Stratford.
Q7 Can I cycle or walk my dog on the trackbed ?
No. You are likely to be arrested and fined. The railway has the same legal protection as any mainline railway and must enforce criminal trespass laws. There are several public footpaths that run near the railway that can be used instead. There is no public access to GWR railway land except at our station sites on operational days.
Q8 I have heard that the railway will only run trains for Tourists ?
No. The railway has not said this. Race day trains run to Cheltenham Racecourse reducing traffic for local residents. As more track is reinstated the potential for a local transport role increases.
Q9 I have heard that there is a viaduct north of Toddington that needs repair and will slow progress to Broadway ?
No. The Stanway viaduct has already been repaired and is in good condition.
Q10 Is the railway all volunteer ?
Yes. The workers and directors are all unpaid. As yet the shareholders do not receive a dividend. Contractors are used for some construction work and some of the catering is operated as a franchise with paid staff.
Q11 How do I become a member/shareholder/working member ?
See the official site for details. If you are interested in P. Way send me an email.
Q12 Why don't trains stop at Gotherington ?
We are awaiting HMRI approval to stop there.