Thermit Welding
During May 06, three teams from Carillion Rail started to Thermit Weld our rail into continuous welded lengths. The first section for stressing is planned to be
from north of the viaduct to the road bridge at Stanton. The pictures below describe the process, which is quite involved.
1) We laid the rail lengths butted up to each other so that the welding team could make the exact cut required. Here Phil uses a gas axe to cut through
the rail to the required gap.
2) Once cut the rails must be perfectly aligned using jacks and metal wedges.
3) The mould is applied.
4) Sand is added around the edges
5) This is preheated for an exact time
6) The chemicals are added.
7) Sparks fly as the chemicals ignite
8) Shearing off the excess
9) Grinding down the welds.